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Life Membership

Since the Club’s founding in 1986, it has grown and deepened its connection to the Irish community in Australia, with highly active Members providing a Landing Pad for both new and established Members.


Life membership is an acknowledgement by the Club, of an individual who has provided an outstanding contribution, providing
measurable benefit to the Club and it’s Members as well as being a Member who demonstrates Leadership within the Club and
wider community. It is regarded as our highest honor, and not be awarded lightly.

Life Membership should not be considered as a competitive matter and nominees must be considered individually and on their personal attributes and achievements and not in comparison to others. The Club will refrain from making any comparisons between Life Members.
Granting Life Membership is a balancing exercise. Criteria are provided as guidance, but it is the overall contribution of the nominee that must be evaluated. There is necessarily some subjectivity in the granting of Life Membership, and nominees’ strengths against the various criteria may vary.


As a guide, all the following criteria should be addressed, during the nominee’s consideration. The prospective Life Member must have displayed an exceptional contribution, for an extended period of time, to the Club and its Members.

  • A proactive Member of not less than 20yrs (not necessarily continuous)

  • Active service provided, to Club and Members, by the prospective Life Member

  • It must be demonstrated that the prospective Life Member has participated to a greater extent than an everyday Member

  • A formal role (i.e. Board Member, volunteer, sponsor, etc.) is not required

  • Holding a Board position(s), should not be considered in itself, sufficient to justify a nomination

  • Demonstrated an attitude that reflects the ethos of the Club

  • Be a role model for Members – being part of the ‘landing pad’ that the Club provides all Members

  • Other specific achievements may be taken into account, at the discretion of the Board

  • Eligibility is not a guarantee of a successful Life Membership awarding – the Board retains full discretion in awarding

Has the prospective Life Member held any positions within the Club (Board Member, Volunteer, Sponsor)?

1. Any current Member (at time of nomination) can be considered by the Board. The Nominee can be nominated by any other current Member, with the nomination seconded by at one other current Member
2. The Primary Nominator’s reasons for putting forward the prospective Life Member to be outlined in the application 
3. Nominations to be made to the Board for consideration, demonstrating how the prospective Life Member meets all the criteria laid out by the Club
4. Nominations to be submitted via the website, including the uploading of all supporting materials
5. Incomplete nominations will not be considered

6. The prospective Life Member must not be seen to have actively pursued or promoted their nomination
7. The Board may seek additional information, or vote on it, based on the information provided
8. Life Members cannot be nominated or seconded by immediate family members
9. In the event that a prospective Life Member, immediate family member or Nominator(s) are serving on the Board at the time of nomination, that person(s) must be disqualified from any deliberation on the nomination
10. In the event that a member of the Board is worthy of Life Membership, a two-thirds majority is required to formalize the nomination (specific voting result to be kept secret)
11. Result of all successful Life Memberships to be revealed at the AGM
12. Life Members to be recorded in the Club’s records, and on the Club’s website
13. Each individual Member must be nominated in their own right
14. All nominations to be kept in the strictest of confidences
15. Prospective Life Member to be contacted (where possible), to seek acceptance before awarding
16. There is no limit on the number of Life Memberships awarded in a given year, provided the criteria is met

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